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Welcome to the 2023-24 Athletic Season

Home » All-School News » Welcome to the 2023-24 Athletic Season

Sportsmanship, ticket pricing, school policies, and more.

I wanted to take a moment and welcome you all to a new and exciting school year.

As the school year gets going, we hope to see the WC community supporting our Fall sports athletes and teams at their events in the coming months. As a Worthington Christian family, we always support, coach, and compete in a way that honors Christ, our community, and those who have come before us. Each time WC athletes compete, we want to be the foundation of a safe and healthy competitive environment for all in attendance (athletes, parents, coaches, and officials). We all play a very important role and have the opportunity to be the example of what it means to compete with pride, lose with dignity, and show how our faith and love for Christ shine through in everything we do.

As a WC community, all fans, coaches, officials, and athletes will be expected to be treated and spoken to with respect and humility. Mistakes will be made, calls will be missed, and things will not always go our way, but it will never be an excuse for us to disrespect another or turn the focus on ourselves versus the courageous athletes competing… our Warriors! They deserve that from us. As the parents, coaches, and fans at these events, we set the tone by how we coach, cheer, celebrate, and handle adversity. In all my 18-plus years around youth sports, I have never seen a challenging situation improve when the adults (or athletes) lose their composure and make emotionally charged decisions with their words and actions. We will aim to act, speak, and cheer to improve the environment in that our athletes compete and use their God-given talents, which they work tirelessly to improve.

As Steve Betulius referenced in our Fall Sports Parent Meeting, “We are at times the most visible part of our Worthington Christian community as an athletic family. We always represent much more than ourselves, our team, or sport but the entire Worthington Christian community. Our actions don’t just reflect on ourselves but are judged on what we all stand for and believe and all those who came before us.” This is a powerful message and a great responsibility as part of this WC family.

Now allow me to update you on ticket pricing and remind you of our school-wide alcohol, drug, and tobacco use policy.

2023-24 Ticket Pricing

There have been some ticketing changes I would like to make everyone aware of for sporting events for this coming Fall season. The Central Buckeye League ADs voted to make ticket pricing as follows for the upcoming Fall:

Varsity/JV Events | Football-Soccer-Volleyball:

$7 per electronic ticket via Hometown Tickets

$10 per ticket with cash at the gate

Middle School Events | Volleyball

$5 per electronic ticket – Hometown Tickets

$5 per ticket with cash at the gate

You may purchase a 2023-24 Season Pass, which is good for all regular-season home contests

alcohol, drugs, and tobacco

Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products are always prohibited on Worthington Christian School grounds and during all events. Anyone visibly intoxicated or possessing these items will be asked to leave the premises.

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