“Our protection lies in God’s sovereignty–not in our circumstance.”
Written by Rachelle Anthony | WC Mom and Co-Founder of WC’s Warrior Prayer Initiative
The Bible offers many beautiful Scriptures of God’s protection, such as Psalm 91. Especially during this time of global crisis, many Christians have been praying Psalm 91 and finding comfort in it. Passages like these powerfully implore God to protect us and they invite us into a deeper faith in who God is and how He is involved in our lives.
At the same time, I have witnessed a great amount of suffering in the lives of people who truly love God. So it might seem that some people who trust in the God of Psalm 91 don’t receive that protection that God is promising–at least in our understanding of what His protection should feel like. This causes me to wonder if the powerful promises of protection found in the Bible are to be understood in a different, more comprehensive way.
Certainly, God is our Healer, our Rescuer, and our Defender. I’ve experienced this personally. We also know that God does allow sickness, suffering and even death into our lives. I’ve experienced this personally, too. As I’ve wrestled through how our good, loving and protecting God can allow such pain, I’ve come to understand that our protection lies in God’s sovereignty–not in our circumstance.
We cannot put our hope in our circumstances, nor place our safety in our situation. Rather, we find peace in believing that God is sovereign and that true safety exists in Him. In suffering, in loss of control, in situations that seem hopeless… the sovereignty of God remains. We can’t measure God’s protection only by what we see. We must live by faith, and know that beyond our human vision, we are daily protected by a God of love who knows just what to allow into our lives to fulfill His beautiful purposes. Peace can be found when we ask God to help us trust in Him more than we trust in our circumstances.