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A rich past is worth little without an investment in the future.

Everyone who loves Worthington Christian School (WC) knows that since our inception, there has been a determination to provide a rigorous, distinctively Christian education. We have a remarkable history that began in 1973 because of 13 visionaries who shouldered the responsibility for founding and building the school that decades of families have enjoyed. Enrollment has steadily grown from 123 to 950-plus kindergarteners to seniors, making WC Central Ohio’s leader in Christian education. With over 3,000 alumni serving around the globe in missions, ministry, the military, and the marketplace, the LORD is using these Warriors to advance His kingdom. Our history is rich. Our foundation is solid.

Central Ohio needs WC. The world needs WC graduates. WC needs you.

Certain realities demand our attention to ensure WC’s future. Aging and inadequate facilities, rising costs, and increased requests for financial aid challenge WC from providing the kind of environment and instruction necessary to serve this and future generations.

Our foundation is firm. Our roadmap for the future is sound. Our potential to prepare generations of Warriors for Christ is enormous. But we need financial partners like you to join us as we equip generations to come together.

If you would like to talk confidentially about supporting WC, contact Polly Shoemaker, director of advancement, by email or at 614-410-4231.

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