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Home » Archives » 50th Anniversary » HONORING OUR PAST: EARLY SCHOOL LEADERS

As with any organization or institution, strong leadership in the foundational years of Worthington Christian School ensured its long-term success. Lou Koloze was the school’s first principal, serving for the first full academic year in 1973-74. Roger Sauer followed Koloze as the school’s principal and served in that role until 1980. John Morgan was named the school’s first superintendent in 1975, serving in this capacity until 1978. John Card then became the school’s superintendent, serving until 1980.

Under the leadership of these men, WC grew and expanded at a tremendous rate. Grades seven through ten were added in the school’s second year of existence (in the 1974-75 academic year), and grades 11 and 12 were added in the 1976-77 school year. As a school offering Christian education to children ages preschool through high school by 1977, enrollment jumped from 124 to 417 students. The following year, Worthington Christian was chartered by the state of Ohio.

These first principals and superintendents set the standard and paved the way for those who have led the school over the decades since the 1970s.

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