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Home » Archives » 50th Anniversary » HONORING OUR PAST: A MOMENT WITH DAN HAMMERS

Dan Hammers joined the Worthington Christian School faculty in 1977 as an industrial arts teacher. He later transitioned to the Bible department and taught classes such as Senior Seminar for many years. Hammers also served as the school’s theatre director outside his regular classroom responsibilities. He served in this capacity for 25 years, growing the theatre program to produce two shows annually.

In reflecting on his years of theatre experience at WC, Hammers explains, “The main challenge was to produce a theater production in a place that wasn’t suited for that. I did theater in the gymnasium, and I did it in the auditorium. We had to build the stage and sets from zero, bringing in all of that materials and tearing it all down to carry it away afterward. That was the biggest challenge. But we got it done, and we had a good time.” 

As a Bible teacher and pastor, Hammers sees the arts as a powerful way to communicate the gospel.

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