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Graduation Awards

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The following awards are presented during commencement exercises. These seniors will also speak at commencement:

  • Solomon Award: Given to the senior who best demonstrates wisdom through diligence in academic endeavors.
  • Daniel Award: Given to the senior who best exemplifies bold faith through consistent spiritual growth and discipline.
  • Joshua Award: Given to the senior who most consistently displays positive participation and leadership in student activities and student government.
  • Deborah Award: Given to the female senior who best exemplifies Deborah’s faith and leadership skills.

The following groups are recognized at commencement:

  • Academic Honors Group: Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude seniors will wear honors cords.
  • Diploma with Honors: These seniors will have a Diploma with Honors sticker on their diploma.
  • National Honor Society: These seniors will have a National Honor Society sticker on their diploma and will also wear an honor cord.
  • Heads of Household: These seniors will receive a cord to wear that associates with their house color.

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