New Faculty and Staff: Catherine Voris

Worthington Christian welcomes Catherine Voris as a Music Teacher in our Lower School. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The Ohio State University in Music Education and a Master’s from Nova Southeastern University in Teaching and Learning. Catherine comes to WC, having previously served as a Music Teacher in Dublin City Schools. She and her husband, Mark, are parents to two adult daughters, Samantha and Gabrielle. Catherine and Mark attend Rock City Church in Hilliard.
We asked all of our new staff members several “getting to know you” questions; we hope you enjoy learning a bit more about Catherine!
What is something someone might be surprised to find out about you?
I am actively involved with Bible Study Fellowship as a Children’s Leader. I love it! I also have a little business named Sugar Loaf Sweets, and I bake cookies and scones for the Hilliard Public Library.
What was the first job you ever had?
Babysitting… at age 10!!
Who was your favorite teacher in school, and why?
I loved my first-grade teacher, Miss Mary Alice Virtue. She was old-fashioned and sweet as pie. She smiled a lot. Miss Virtue always made her students be polite and say, “Please” and “Thank you.” I was baby bear in the play Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Who has the best pizza in Columbus?
What is your most used emoji?
What is your favorite family tradition?
We decorate our house for Christmas beginning in November. Our home is transformed into the North Pole! We put Nativity sets in almost every room.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
My dad always used to say, “If you’re not going to do it right, don’t do it at all.”
What is a passage of Scripture you most often turn to for encouragement?
“Thy will be done.” Matthew 6:10