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Bullying Incident Report

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Worthington Christian School’s policy reflects its belief in the following: “Scripture explicitly forbids such acts and our call to live a righteous life within a community of others requires each of us to submit to this teaching.  As people who are called to live righteous lives that encourage and build others up in a healthy environment, appropriate discipline shall take place when individuals subject others to acts that run contrary to or work against that call.  We do so with the aim to protect those who deserve protection, to warn the offender and others of the dangers and sinfulness of such actions, and to bring reconciliation, when possible.  Christ calls the school and parents to partner as peacemakers in the process of training and teaching young students.

Part of the discipline and reconciliation process involves notifying the school of incidents that may be considered bullying.  Please use the form below to submit a notification of such an incident.

Your association with this report will remain confidential unless you indicate to the school administration that you are willing to be identified during the investigation.  However, please be aware that, depending on the circumstances, some investigations may reach a point that it cannot proceed any further unless the reporter is willing to be identified.  If that is the case, and the reporter wishes to remain anonymous, the investigation may end at the point with no determination made.

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