Admissions Process
Thank you for considering Worthington Christian School for your child’s education. Once you decide that WC is right for your family, you’ll be ready to begin the three-step sequential admissions process—Apply. Accept. Attend.
Need assistance with the application or have a question about the process? Please email us. We look forward to serving you.

Let’s get started. Begin your online application. Once the application is completed, four steps happen before you move to the next step.
- WC schedules an assessment with your child.
- WC sends the assessment results and your admissions file to the principal.
- WC schedules an interview.
- WC communicates the admission decision by email.

Congratulations! Your child has been accepted to WC. Here’s what happens next:
- You accept or decline the admission offer.
- WC emails enrollment process information.
- You complete online enrollment, including creating a FACTS Family Online Account and paying the per-student enrollment fee.

It’s time to prepare for the start of school. Completing these actions will ensure a smooth transition.
- WC creates a school email address for the student and grants Office 365 access.
- All parents of Upper School students need to watch for an email from the Registrar that will include information regarding the student’s email, FACTS login, scheduling information, and FinalForms access. FinalForms is a secure online portal for required medical and athletic forms.
3. Lower School parents will receive an email directly from FinalForms requesting the completion of required medical documents.
4. Email will be the primary communication vehicle with parents and Upper School students.
5. Students will not be permitted to attend school or participate in athletics until all the required forms are completed and the student is fully enrolled.