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Student Outcomes

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A vision for WC graduates.

At Worthington Christian School our primary means of discipleship is to teach students to interact with all academic disciplines from the perspective of a citizen of the Kingdom of God.  We believe that as we better understand all aspects of the world that God has created, we will grow to better understand God’s person, His Word, and His ways.  Therefore, we believe that our expected student outcomes will lead to each student becoming more mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28, II Timothy 3:17.)

A WC education is designed with the end in mind.

  • Creation, Fall, and Redemption: Recognize that while there are multiple ways a person can view the world, the Christian worldview is unique and intellectually credible in that it provides a metanarrative for understanding all disciplines. Thus, a graduate should be able to see how themes of creation, fall, redemption, and glorification impact one’s understanding of the world and the daily decisions of life.
  • Essential Questions: Answer the essential questions raised by each discipline, and view each discipline as a window on life that sharpens a person’s analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Scriptural Application: Appropriately apply Scripture to all areas of their lives because they are persuaded that Scripture addresses all areas of life.
  • Life-long Learning: Value learning as a life-long endeavor and find great joy in learning and discovering new things through reading, observation, experimentation, and listening.
  • Communication Skills: Communicate in a way that demonstrates skill in written and oral communication.
  • Christian Citizenship: Function as responsible, participating, serving citizens, adapting to a changing society and changing relationships, living in a way that respects authority, law, and diversity while remaining aware of their true identity as children of God and citizens in the Kingdom of God.
  • Church Life: Participate in, grow in, and give to a local church as members who are conversant about what they believe and able to share it intelligently with those in need of God’s grace.
  • Work as Vocation: Understand that work is noble and a vocation is an expression of God’s image in people and a tangible expression of the calling of God to form and to fill the world. They will see that work is a means of God’s grace in providing daily bread and opportunity to interact with people in need of God’s grace, as well as providing financial means to function as responsible and generous members of society.
  • Christian Aesthetics: Appreciate the beauty of the world while acknowledging the implications of the fall and maintaining the hope of a future restoration of all creation, while constantly conscious that they join God in redemption through their faithfulness.

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