About the PTF
Learn about the Parent-Teacher Fellowship’s history, purpose, and structure.
Worthington Christian School’s (WC) Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) was introduced in February 1984. The commitment to Christian fellowship among parents, teachers, staff, and administrators is a strong foundation that has stood the test of time. The PTF’s role and identity over the years, from fundraising to service focus, reflects the organization’s adaptability to meet the evolving needs of the school community.
The Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) at Worthington Christian School (WC) is a volunteer organization dedicated to fostering a supportive and nurturing community where parents and teachers collaborate to enhance students’ educational experience. Grounded in Christian principles, the PTF aims to build strong parent-to-parent relationships and parent-to-teacher connections, fostering an environment of mutual support, understanding, and shared values.
Parents and guardians of students enrolled at WC are automatically members of the PTF. Likewise, WC employees are de facto members of the PTF.
The PTF is administered by a Leadership Team comprising volunteer Officers, Building Coordinators, Program Coordinators, and Event Coordinators. A subset of the Leadership Team is the Executive Team, composed of the Officers, Building Coordinators, and Community Engagement Coordinator. The Office of Advancement provides staff support.
Leadership Team Qualifications
Individuals serving in a leadership capacity display these characteristics and qualifications:
- Parent or guardian of a student enrolled at Worthington Christian School.
- Ambassador and positive spokesperson for Worthington Christian School.
- Commitment to Christian principles and values, resolving conflict biblically, and refraining from gossip.
- Excellent organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
- Ability to work collaboratively with others.
- Willingness to actively engage with parents and teachers.
- Understanding of the importance of building a supportive and inclusive school community.
- Commitment to carry out one’s responsibilities.
Operational Budget and Fundraising
The PTF is not a fundraising organization. The PTF is a self-supporting organization. Operating funds are generated via two all-school activities—Share the Ware (uniform resale) and Fellowship Dinners (financial kickback for sales). Donations designated for the PTF or a PTF-led program are welcomed. Monies in the PTF Activity Account are used explicitly to fulfill the PTF’s purpose.