On April 3 at noon, a special moment took place at Mike Penn Field, WC’s baseball complex. The Warriors baseball team was able to play their first home game in 673 days, according to head coach Tim Kraynak. Just as the team was beginning to prepare for their season early in 2020, COVID swept away their season. In order to mark this momentous return, Coach Kraynak invited a special guest to throw the first pitch, a guest knows all too well the difficulties and challenges life can bring.
When WC eighth-grader Jameson Colley was diagnosed with leukemia in December of 2019, one of the first questions he asked his parents and oncologist was, “When can I play sports again?”
His love for the game of baseball started as a tiny tee ballplayer and grew as he joined a traveling baseball team at age 8 where he has played ever since. It was this same love of the game that carried him through the last 15 months. During this time, he’s undergone many rounds of difficult, painful treatment and infusions, frequent hospitalizations, isolation from others due to having a comprised immune system, schooling from home, and more. Jameson was able to return to school and sports activities just a few weeks ago.
Though Jameson is excited to get back in the game, his return to sports has been a slow one. He has a port placed in his chest for the routine treatments he receives now, and he has had to sit on the sidelines for practices and scrimmages in order to protect the port from becoming damaged. He is currently in the process of getting fitted for a custom-made vest to protect the port and hopes to be able to play games soon, depending on when the vest is finished.
When WC’s varsity baseball coach Tim Kraynak invited Jameson to throw the first pitch of the team’s first game of the season, the young centerfielder quickly agreed. So last Saturday at noon, Jameson took the mound and ceremoniously threw the first pitch of the Warriors’ first home game.
Jameson’s dad, Jason, is a teacher and baseball coach at WC. He describes their family’s experience with Jameson’s cancer as “a terrible way to find out that we have wonderful support.” They are grateful for their church and school community and all of the support and care they’ve received.
See more pictures of this special moment and the rest of the game here: